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- Amanda Gibson
- Done Illustration, Currently in Computer Animation.
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Sunday, January 9, 2011
For Fun Doodles
10:00 PM |
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I got in a decorative mood I suppose and made a dinky cartoon character. I was trying to make a decoration but one thing lead to another and I ended up somewhere else. I might animate it. I know it's totally lame -_-
For some reason when you click on them a little red x shows up. The good news is that they seem to show up on computers at school. I use IE and the school uses Firefox so maybe that has something to do with it...Though it may be my computer. I think I have found a use for these after all :-D I'll do some revisions and clean it up.
Tim Hortons map
9:03 PM |
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I love Tims so in info class I made a chart for them.It's a bit hard to see but I've put some checkpoints like Sheridan on the main map. The main map shows the Timmies locations in Oakville and the smaller chart shows how much Tims coffee each province in Canada consumes yearly. For now I'm going to post some screen caps of my map until I find a computer that isn't so touchy or until I finally break down and try to reduce the file size.
For this I also had to come up with a formula to figure out how many litres and cups that each province in Canada drinks. I had to find the number of Tims in a province first (which did require additional counting) which I called A. Then I had to multiply that by the average sales revenue that one Tims makes in a year which is $202500. Then I had to multiply that by 0.5 (50% of sales come from coffee) and divide that by 1.22 (the cost of a medium coffee). Then I had to multiply by 10 (oz in a medium coffee) and that would equal the amount of coffee each province drinks annually (represented by B).
So the formula ends up looking like this:
A x 2025000 x 0.5 / 1.22 x 10 = B
and for conversion
B/160 = B in gallons
B x 28.41 = B in mL
B in mL/1000 = B in litres
I love math but it did take be a bit to get this all together.
It's awesome that Ontario alone drinks about 1,347,786,885 cups (382,906,254) of Timmy hoho coffee a year.
The coffee % of sales stat is from Lockyer, E.s. (2004, August). Tim Hortons sweet on expansion. Nations Resataurant News, 38(34), 72, 74. Retrieved from ABI?INFORM Global. (Document ID:690512841).
Financial stats are from the Tim Hortons annual report (you can find this on their site).
Stats on coffee prices are from http://ruk.ca/content/tim-hortons-cup-sizes-canada-vs-usa
Eustace Tilley
7:21 PM |
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We had a project where we had to redesign Eustace Tilley, so I made him into a hobo :-)
There was also this other project we did where we took a news headline (provided to us) and made spot illustrations. I really only like the one I posted below. The headline was something like "Britain turning weapons into tools for African farmers."
Bird Tree
6:44 PM |
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This was an interesting project that I did recently. We had to listen to some strangers conversations and create an image from it (somewhat metaphorical).
These are some of the roughs I did for this project. The bird tree is one of the first ideas I feel proud of :-)
This is the conversation I made this for:
-The leaves fall off and you can see all the birds.
- Where do they go in the summer?
- No, they're still there when it's summer, you need to look closer, but they're there.
This was also the final. When I get the time I am going to make a better version of this.
This was a test I did. I used a giant rubber stamp I made and then layered the birds on top.
These are some of the roughs I did for this project. The bird tree is one of the first ideas I feel proud of :-)
This is the conversation I made this for:
-The leaves fall off and you can see all the birds.
- Where do they go in the summer?
- No, they're still there when it's summer, you need to look closer, but they're there.
This was also the final. When I get the time I am going to make a better version of this.
This was a test I did. I used a giant rubber stamp I made and then layered the birds on top.
Some recent sketches
6:03 PM |
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Here are just a few sketches I've done more recently. This is that weird character I made from before.
With these pictures I wasn't going for totally clean and correct and such. They're just tests. That hand is really messed up though 0_0
I made a Sculpey figure of this character so I could try that anamorphic thing again. I also tried to mess around with the perspective this time too.
I'll post some pics of the figure I made, but I'm thinking of making a seperate page for that. This is a "linear" drawing I did. I'll do this so I can get a feel for where everything is (even if I have already made a sculpture). It lets me rotate things in my head a little better.
I know there are multiple pictures here, but the weird thing is that the picture looks different depending on what way you look at it.
I need to work more on skewed perspectives and such. I'm thinking of using one of these for something, but I've been debating over a few backgrounds I've tried out.
This was a little composition test that I did. I started with a really rough drawing. I then made a more tonal version with the cropping that I thought would work if it was a movie, or postcard or something like that. I'm planning on doing a final version of this where I fix the perspective and refine it. In order to see the curvature of the earth you'de have to be above a 19 floor building, so that's one tall building she's on. 0_0 you know for a character that is more slapstick comedy...this picture is kind of mellow-dramatic isn't it.
Ever since I saw the movie Coraline I fell in love with these types of hats. There was a scene in the movie where the Coraline character wears this adorable little hat and I looked it up. They're called newsboy caps, baker boy caps, fisheman caps, cabi caps and so on. I really love the way they look so I gave my character a flat top newsboy cap. There is one hat I love in paricular and I'd love to get my hands on it. It's the Burberry baker boys hat in black (not velvet). I've searched around because when I first saw it online I started to save up for it. Sadly it was dicontinued or something because I can't find anyone selling it anymore. 0v0 If any of you out there come across it message me up :-)With these pictures I wasn't going for totally clean and correct and such. They're just tests. That hand is really messed up though 0_0
I made a Sculpey figure of this character so I could try that anamorphic thing again. I also tried to mess around with the perspective this time too.
I'll post some pics of the figure I made, but I'm thinking of making a seperate page for that. This is a "linear" drawing I did. I'll do this so I can get a feel for where everything is (even if I have already made a sculpture). It lets me rotate things in my head a little better.
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