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Amanda Gibson
Done Illustration, Currently in Computer Animation.
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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Anagram project

In first year Illustration we did an Anagram project. We had to take our first and last name and our fav. colour and make an anagram. From that anagram we were to then to illustrate it. Mine was Amy Gibson Purple = Spy Upon Grim Elba. We also had to make our picture focus on our fav. colour.

You know, I'm just noticing now that the eyes on her face are way too big...it looks kinda funny. If you read some newer posts you'll see I've changed this character a bit. She's sort of my default character when I want to have a good laugh.
I made up a goofey little story for this X-D I actually drew a little comic with it but I think I'd like to make a better version of it before I post it...
*LAMENESS ALERT (this next bit will be nerdy and lame)*
long story short,
Elba (the girl above with the oddly proportioned face) goes out to buy a "non cliche" hat only to see the grim reaper following her. She confronts the reaper and questions his magical "death to do list". She argues that there are millions of people with her exact name and that the list could be wrong...so the grim reapers like "oh, never thought about it like that before". They make some sort of deal and Thus their magical adventure begins!
What magical adventure you may ask? (well you're probably not asking)... there is an old man, named old man Jakens who is 119 years old. He always manages to cheat death and so Elba agrees to help the reaper (though the reaper doesn't really need help).
Everyone dies someday, but you can cheat and escape death throughout your life. The grim reaper has to get you at the exact second you're suppose to die, it's all about timing. So if you're suppose to get hit by a car at 3:44, but you bend over to pick up a penny instead, then you don't die (some sort of free will factor I guess). The grim reaper isn't like the one you see in those Final destination movies... he'll get to you when he gets to you (when you're name shows up on his to do list again, which could be tommorow or 40 years from now), but he's not gonna bust his chops hounding you down...

Basically I have a few lame comic pages of old man Jakens and Elba (who volunteers at his old age home) battling it out... it's slap stick mostly... I'll post them when I find them...one of them has to do with daylight savings time, a slippery floor sign, but you'd never guess how it ends...well maybe...
My sister thinks it's funny to point out to me that the Elba character didn't want to die, so to avoid death she's hunting down someone else who doesn't want to die and tries to avoid death=_= which means she's a hypocrite...I'd like to point out that she doesn't avoid death, she's beer buddies with him...